Inspiring Journals

Well it would be a bit remiss to have a "Faerie Journal" with out a post about journals and we are lucky enough to have some of the most beautiful, hard cover journals ever!

I was introduced to journaling about 5 years ago during a work related 'leadership' retreat (that actually turned out to be a self-awareness journey but thats a whole other story).

I had heard of 'journaling' of course, but mentally it was probably more like a teenage, lock and key type image in my mind. Well we were encouraged to write in our journals each day. It began with work related notes, but a little routine was formed.

Some months later our lives were smashed by a family tragedy and thats where the benefits of journaling were really exposed. The writing became intensely personal, but really positive to look back on now. To have had a safe place to share and trust with my emotions, mind chatter and grief.

The reason why I share this is because when we were sourcing products for our little Faerie store we came across the most beautiful journals I had ever seen. It's like they are crafted from another time, with their ornate embellished hard covers, threaded stitching and acid-free sustainable forest paper.

They swept me away to another world, but the connection to our Faeire store wasn't exactly obvious. In chatting to Deborah (the sales person) we talked about how beautiful they were and that were almost too good to write in. Deborah pointed out how sacred and valuable your journalling time is, and your thoughts and emotions are worthy of such quality. I had goose bumps, and knew we needed these in our collection.

Whether you are a regular journaler or just getting started you will be hard pressed to find a better journal than these to capture your special memories, thoughts, emotions and creative inspirations.

Happy Journaling :-)

View the journals

Some tips on journaling

Journaling is such a personal process, and there is a lot of information out there on the benefits. I personally don't believe there is a right or wrong way to do it, like everything try some techniques out and find out what works for you.

A common thread seems to be regularity, something I am far from a master of. That said I thought I'd share part of an article by Courtney Ackerman that I've found helpful.

"Another good set of guidelines on effective journaling can be found on the Center for Journal Therapy website. When you journal, remember the simple acronym: WRITE!

  • W – What do you want to write about? Think about what is going on in your life, your current thoughts and feelings, what you’re striving towards or trying to avoid right now. Give it a name and put it all on paper.
  • R – Review or reflect on it. Take a few moments to be still, calm your breath, and focus. A little mindfulness or meditation could help in this step. Try to start sentences with “I” statements like “I feel…”, “I want…”, and “I think…” Also, try to keep them in the present tense, with sentence stems like “Today…”, “Right now…”, or “In this moment…”
  • I – Investigate your thoughts and feelings through your writing. Just keep going! If you feel you have run out of things to write or your mind starts to wander, take a moment to re-focus (another opportunity for mindfulness meditation!), read over what you have just written, and continue on.
  • T – Time yourself to ensure that you write for at least 5 minutes (or whatever your current goal is). Write down your start time and the projected end time based on your goal at the top of your page. Set a timer or alarm to go off when the time period you have set it up.
  • E – Exit strategically and with introspection. Read what you have written and take a moment to reflect on it. Sum up your takeaway in one or two sentences, starting with statements like “As I read this, I notice…”, “I’m aware of…”, or “I feel…” If you have any action items or steps you would like to take next, write them down now (Adams, n.d.)."

Read the full article here.

Please share any tips you have in the comments.

A final note. Be kind to yourself. Keep your journal private. And please seek appropriate counselling services especially if you are dealing with tragedy, anxiety or just feeling down - great support can be found at beyondblue in Australia.



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